Prescription Drug Abuse Treatment Center

US PillAcross the United States you have a metaphorical buffet of prescription drug abuse treatment centers to choose from, some that cater specifically to prescription drug addiction, others that cater to a wider variety that include alcohol, and other substances.  There is no end of these in sight.  Why?  Because there is no shortage to the clientele.  One of the things that we can always count on is some Hollywood actor or hotshot getting press from an overdose or a near overdose, or somehow getting entangled into an addiction that his newfound wealth has allowed him to afford.  There are those with less notoriety, but they all suffer from the same problem.  It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people in the US have to have at least 1 prescription drug a day.  This accounts for roughly 100 million people in the United States with this issue.

To put that in perspective, that is more than cancer, diabetes, and heart disease — combined.  It can innocuously start from a legitimate need; maybe a car accident has your body in aching pain, or as one gets older, arthritis becomes a bigger and bigger issue.  You start taking the meds because they help relieve the pain, and pretty soon, you’re still popping the pills even after the pain has subsided enough to justify you ending your prescription.  But the instant gratification that comes from the simple act of swallowing a tiny pill is too much to resist, so difficult in fact that the catchphrase in modern medicine is that “relapse is part of recovery.”  Addiction treatment facilities across the nation are raking in the money because of a glaring hole in the medical profession:  the way in which prescription medication addiction is handled has not changed in much too long, long enough for it to be ineffective.  These facilities are lucrative, but are they effective?  There is an alternative, it is more inexpensive, and more effective: a residential drug treatment.  What is important is the prescription addiction treatment doctor.

The old paradigm of tossing these vilified pill junkies into a detox reminds me of tossing a drunk into the local sheriff’s holding cell, the proverbial drunk tank, in order to dry out.  It may temporarily help, but it’s more for our own guilty consciences than for the well-being of those that are suffering from this addiction.  You can imagine addiction treatment facilities not being happy about this, because this taking money out of their pockets, whether they be addiction treatment facilities Los Angeles, or elsewhere.  Drug and alcohol rehab have had in recent history very low success rates because they don’t work.  So, we need to change things.  GS Medical realizes this and have spent the last 10 years researching this issue from the ground up, working from a chemical level, digging into the very DNA and the chemistry of the brain where addiction begins.  There is hope, there is an answer, there is a solution.

Addiction Treatment Facilities

prescription addiction treatment doctor

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